The JLH Gateway to Class-A :: 7

The Millennial March-past The simple, yet novel circuitry of the JLH did indeed trigger the creativity of DIYers and 'circuit honchos'. Quite a few among them, who were respected designers in their own right, came out with namesake amplifier designs, and that was how we got to see the PLH, DLH etc series of amplifiers joining the Class-A cavalcade. Guess what! The PLH amplifier which came out in 2005, was by the "grand-daddy of audio design" Mr Nelson Pass. As Mr Pass so disarmingly puts it " ... I stripped down the JLH to the simpler MOSFET topology ... and (ahem!) added my initial to the name!" But it is heartening to see how a great designer like Mr Pass pays his respects to another genius designer like JLH. How Pass analyzes the JLH circuit is a good lesson for enthusiasts, and the entire article is recommended (repeated) reading, if you ask me. The reader is enjoined to visit the Passdiy site for a detailed post (as is typical of Mr Pass...