The JLH Gateway to Class-A :: 12

Playing Musical Chairs ... Playing musical chairs with a medley of class-A amplifiers is a tantalizing, thrilling prospect. Basically the game is a metaphor for deciding the winner by elimination, and most agree that there is no better fun game than musical chairs to zero in on Numero Uno. Here is an opportunity (and a challenge!) for the class-A enthusiast to play musical chairs with a set of class-A amplifiers, including the all-time favourite the JLH Classic! The winner, as they say, takes it all!! ... with the Many Flavours of Class-A Naturally, the decades since the JLH Classic amplifier appeared on the scene in 1969 have spawned a profusion of class-A amplifier designs. But then you might think, what are these designs by other designers doing here in a site devoted to JLH and his classic amplifier ?? As many a diehard JLH enthusiast would put it (based on t...